“Only about 12 percent of Americans are considered metabolically healthy. That means the other 88 percent of us aren’t meeting basic medical guidelines for things like blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, and other markers of metabolic health.
We must imagine that getting older doesn't inevitably mean getting weaker, slower, sicker, feebler, or more dependent. Almost everyone knows an eighty or ninety-year-old who still dances, cooks, plays games, drives, spends time with loved ones, reads books, works puzzles, and thoroughly enjoys being alive. It shouldn't be an anomaly but the norm.” – Mark Hyman, MD
At the age of 30, I experienced a personal health scare which led to emergency surgery. Ten years passed as I worked with dozens of medical experts who attempted to determine the root cause of my illness and emphasized that my issues were either due to genetics or “idiopathic” (meaning that the cause was unknown). Since there was no history of these chronic symptoms among my family members, I didn’t accept those answers and committed to exploring other paths to wellness.
During clinical internships in China and Switzerland, I learned and practiced the primary concepts of traditional Chinese medicine and bioregulatory medicine; both fields provided different lenses to view the whole body as one integrated system. I began to understand that deficiencies and toxicities were among the underlying root causes of my symptoms. These imbalances wreaked havoc on my hormones and led to myriad symptoms that continued to be addressed separately by various medical specialists over many years.
While my PCP and surgeons routinely stated that multiple medications would be necessary for the rest of my life, integrative health practitioners emphasized reversing chronic symptoms by implementing a natural approach to wellness using holistic modalities.
Today, I am passionate about helping people avoid further confusion and anguish about their health. Together, we can rebalance the body and optimize health by incorporating functional medicine lab testing, detoxification protocols, and lifestyle modifications.
Don't guess, test! The "Big 5" lab test bundle.
Click here to discover how to optimize your health and wellness.
Certifications & Accreditations
Licensed occupational therapist
Certified integrative health practitioner and life coach; IHP-2 Mastery
Certified functional medicine practitioner
Certified mental health integrative medicine provider and addiction recovery counselor
Certified hip and shoulder specialist in trigger point therapy and bodywork
Certified Heroic™ master performance coach
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult."
- Seneca