Show up powerfully and enjoy renewed vitality in each area of your life! We invite you to collaborate with the team at Renaissance Integrative Health to increase your energy, rebalance your hormones, restore your gut health, and establish practices that promote lifelong wellness.
While you are busy taking care of everyone else, who is taking care of you? We work hard for our family, friends, and community, yet we often overlook our personal needs until it’s too late.
The team at Renaissance Integrative Health will ensure you are cared for and given the tools you need to achieve your goals for health, ideal body weight, and longevity. Easy-to-administer, at-home health tests provide the data we need to diligently explain your results and collaborate with you to establish a personalized wellness program to fit your unique needs.
We will work with you to address deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, omega-3s, etc.) or toxicities (heavy metals, yeast overgrowth, hormones, pollutants, etc.) and create your personalized plan to rebalance your body and enable you to optimize your health.
This integrative approach will empower you to make beneficial changes to experience the health, vitality, and happiness you deserve.
Incorporating intensive training and depth of experience, we look forward to sharing our expertise with you.
Click the button link if you’re ready to optimize your health and wellness.
"I freaked out when I was diagnosed with stage two cancer, and Shannon was among the group of friends with whom I first shared the news. My interest had piqued as she shared the positive impact of natural therapies in conjunction with more conventional approaches. I am so grateful for friends who provide support and encouragement while thinking outside the box. My health continues to improve as I work with the oncologist and various holistic wellness providers. I have learned much more about how stress negatively impacts our hormones and the importance of consistent self-care. In addition to removing toxins and replenishing vitamin and mineral deficiencies, the 21-day detox improved my mindfulness, energy, and sleep quality. Thank you for your guidance, Shannon!“
- Ann R.
“Wow, I'm an official convert and will share my experience with everyone in my sphere. After decades of suffering from asthma, restless leg syndrome, mental health issues, and joint pain, I began searching for answers regarding my overall health. My doctor supported me but continued prescribing various medications that caused intolerable side effects. Shannon explained the integrative approach while emphasizing lifestyle and nutritional factors. It was a significant paradigm shift, but she provided much-needed support and encouragement throughout the process. Finally, I took long hikes without needing to gulp for air, enjoyed sound sleep without restless legs, and experienced increased energy throughout the day. I highly recommend functional medicine lab testing for anyone enduring chronic health issues.”
- Jeffrey L.
“For eight years, I bounced between various doctors and health care providers without getting desired results. Shannon provided heartfelt empathy as I shared my story and medical history during a difficult time. She highlighted key aspects of functional medicine that proved to be very beneficial for my overall health and wellness. Shannon consistently accentuates the positive while reminding me of what's working and assisting me in the areas that still need improvement. Although I am no longer an active client, she continues to provide practical strategies and helpful resources on stress reduction, restorative sleep, and hormone rebalancing. I'm so thankful for renewed hope and confidence.”
- Eleanor C.
"Within a few months, life had dealt several significant blows leading to a struggle in mind and body. Without realizing that I'd shifted into autopilot, my self-care took a nosedive as I became the primary caregiver for loved ones. Everything changed, including my mindset, nutrition, and daily habits. Work and life stressors became overwhelming, and I was very frustrated by not being able to figure it all out on my own. After reaching out to Shannon, I learned about rebalancing the body via integrative health and lifestyle medicine. She supported me every step of the way, and I am experiencing an overall lightness of being. I had never done anything like a 21-day detox and was so proud of myself for completing that challenge. I exceeded my weight loss goal and have learned how to maintain my desired weight in healthy, sustainable ways. I'm so grateful for Shannon's expertise that helped to eliminate symptoms and led me to feel much more energized and passionate about life!"
- Karin H.